Kayla, Kayla, Kayla...

This puppy is a very funny puppy. I love her to death. She is so fun. K I will not lie to anyone, she can be a pain at night when she doesn't want to go to sleep, or when she chews up the pillow, or when she bites me, or when she pees on the carpet, or when she makes a mess of my bathroom leaving a devistating mess to clean up, or when she will moan because she doesn't like being alone at times, and when she whines about nobody playing with her. But none the less I love her so much. It is alot of fun to play with her. We just need to teach her what is ok and what is not, ie. bitting. So when it comes to training her, she has 8 different voices telling her something. If she does something one time, she gets told 'no', but when she does it again someone else says something different. So we are still getting it down on our part of being consistant. But for the most part she has learned alot so far. I mean we have only had her for what, a week and a half? I am working on a picture. My computer hates me and does not want to cooperate. But she is about 3 and a half months old and is the funniest puppy. She does some of the cutest things ever. I am told all the time that my affection for the puppy will wear off. I know it will eventually, it won't be like this forever.... But however, for now she is cute and will be cute for a while. So PLEASE spare me your comments on how awfull of a mut she will be.
SO the really cute things that she does like she will follow me around all the time. If I'm not moving any where, she will go sit in the living room and just sleep there. Another thing is she gets the hiccups. All the time. It is so funny cause she doesn't know what is going on and she will get this look of confusion all the time. Inbetween the intervals of hiccups she forgets that she has them and she just flips out when she finds that noise again. I will have lots of stories to tell sooner or later...
hahah now you know why people tell me to shut-up! :P`~


Lydia said...

Ha ha ha. She sounds adorable!

Jaron Frost said...

Aww... I want a puppy so bad! She sounds adorable! :D You're lucky.