There is nothing more that I want in my entire life than to be like my savior. I know he loves me. I know he lives. I know that I am a Daughter of My Heavnly father who loves me. I know that God Lives. I know that President Monson is a Prophet of God. I know that The Temple is the Lord's House. I know that His gosple is here on this earth. I know that The Preisthood is real. I know that the authority to use the Power of God is here on this Earth. I know that My redeemer lives and loves me. I know that I can do what ever Heavenly Father will put me through to test me. I know that the Lord will provide a way for me to accomplish his tasks. I want to give my life to the Lord. I would give up anything the Lord would ask of me. I would give my Life for him and His Gosple. I would devote my life to him. I would give up the thing I love the most for him. I would give him anything. I want my will to become one with the Lord's will. I know that his will, can only bring me happiness.
I know this because I know he only wants happiness for me. I know that our Savior is perfect. I know that through Him, any wound can be heald. I know that any sin can be forgiven. I know that our Heavly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ want to bless our lives. I know that The Preisthood is a real power. I know its The Power of God. I know that Families can be together forever. I know that I am no perfect person, but I know, without any Doubt in my mind, that my Savior loves me, he wants to bless my life, That the Gosple of Jesus Christ is the true Gosple of the very same Jesus of Gallale. I know this because the spirit of God has testified this to me. I know this because, this world, this life, families, nothing, makes sense without it. I know this because I feel it within the deepest part of my soul. I know this because there is nothing like this feeling in the entire world. I know this because I have felt my Savior's love. I have felt My Heavnly Father's love. I know this because it is real, it is true, it is apart of me and my soul. I know this because I have felt my Redeemer's atonement, his eternal, patient, unconditional love. I know this because I have felt his presence, his touch, him in my life. I know this because as I look at my life, the more I do what is asked of me, by my Savior, the more everything makes sense to me, the more I feel it is true.
I know that our Savior loves each and every person I know, you know, any one who has ever existed. I know that such a great love can only come from a great person, a Perfect Person. I know that Jesus Christ is our Big Brother. I know that he paid the ultimate price because he loves us. I know that the blessings of God come about through obedience. I know that I want to be with a person who loves me so much for the rest of my life. I know that after I die, that I still want to be with such a person, then too. I know that the only way to live with such a person after I die is through our Savior Jesus Christ. I know that the only way to do that is to come unto him. To be one with him. To be part of his fold. I know that there is no other place I want to be. I know that there is no Greater love. I know that if there is one person who would give anything for anyone, it would be Him. I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the Gosple of the same Jesus Christ whom was crusified on Calvary. I know that it is the very same Savior of the World who rose on the third day after his death. I know its the same savior who appeared to his apostles. I know that it is the same Redeemer who appeared to the Nephites in the Americas. I know that it is the same, because he rose after he died. I know it is the same, because there is One Jesus Christ, there is one Redeemer. I know this because It is the same feeling of love when I read the Book of Mormon and the New Testiment. I feel the same love when I read about my Savior from the four Gosples. I feel the same love when I read about his death, when I read about his life and the miracles he did, when I read about his teachings. I feel the same love when I read about him visiting the Nephites. I feel it when I read about how he called the children unto him, how he blessed them, how he healed them. I know this because I felt it, and I will never, no never, deny it.
In the name of Our Savior, Lord, and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, Amen.